Discope Terms of Service

Effective date: Oct 22, 2023

Update date: Mar 20, 2024

Update date: Mar 22, 2024

Note: This is a translated version of Discope's privacy policy. If there is any contradiction between the Japanese and English versions, the Japanese version shall take precedence.

  1. Introduction

    Discope (hereinafter referred to as "the Site") respects user privacy and places great importance on protecting personal information. This privacy policy explains how the Site collects and uses information.

  2. Information Collection

    The Site may collect information such as username, email address, and IP address when users register or make inquiries.

  3. Use of Information

    The collected information will be used for the following purposes:

    • Provision of services
    • Provision of support
    • Improvement of services and reception of feedback
    • Notifications of updates and announcements from the Site
    • Managing records of past violations of terms and refusing use from such users
  4. Sharing of Information

    The Site will not share users' personal information with third parties except when necessary for legal requirements or to prevent litigation.

  5. Protection of Information

    The Site implements appropriate measures (encryption, security protocols, etc.) to protect users' information.

  6. Cookies and Tracking

    • The Site uses cookies for login sessions, improving user experience, and analysis. Users can control the use of cookies through their browser settings.
    • If the use of cookies is restricted through browser settings, some or all services of the Site may not be available.
    • For cookies used by third-party services, please refer to the "Third-Party Services" section of this privacy policy.
  7. User Rights

    Users have the right to verify, correct, and delete their information. Please contact us at the address below.
    However, we cannot accept requests to verify, correct, or delete various data collected for analytics purposes or data that cannot be clearly identified as belonging to the user.

  8. Third-Party Services

    The Site uses Google's analytics tool "Google Analytics". Google Analytics uses cookies to collect data.
    This data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals.
    Data collection can be refused on desktop browsers by using the “Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on”. Currently, to refuse Google Analytics on smartphones, you need to use a browser that supports "Do Not Track".
    Data collection can also be refused by disabling cookies, but this is not recommended as it will disable the login function of the Site. For details on how data is collected and processed by Google Analytics, please refer to “How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services”.

  9. Children's Privacy

    The Site is intended for users aged 13 and over and does not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13.

  10. Changes and Updates

    The content of this privacy policy may be updated in response to improvements to the Site or changes in legal requirements. If changes are made, we will notify users on the Site and on the Discord server listed below.

  11. Contact Information

    For privacy-related inquiries, please contact us at [email protected] or on the following Discord server:

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