Discope Guidelines

Effective date: Oct 22, 2023

Update date: Feb 20, 2024

Update date: Mar 20, 2024

Note: This is a translated version of Discope's guideline. If there is any contradiction between the Japanese and English versions, the Japanese version shall take precedence.

These guidelines are designed to ensure that everyone can express themselves and find a community without causing harm to others.

  1. Basic Etiquette

    • Maintain respect for other users and use polite language.
    • Personal attacks, insults, hate speech, and any behaviour that is recognised as causing discomfort to others are strictly prohibited.
  2. Prohibited Content

    • Users can post a variety of information, but inappropriate language is not permitted.
    • If there are no age restrictions, sexual content or vulgar language cannot be used in descriptions, tags, etc.
    • Servers that are solely for the purpose of directing users to other servers, conducting interviews, or those that lack content cannot be added.
    • Servers, content, or language that violates the law, Discord Terms of Service, or Discord Community Guidelines cannot be posted.
  3. Regarding Troubles within Servers

    • The management of this service will determine violations solely within the scope of this service. This is because if our staff joins a server for internal investigation, the account may be subject to violation under Discord's terms.
    • The management of this service will not be involved in any trouble or violations occurring within Discord servers and bears no responsibility for them.
    • If any violations of Discord's terms, etc., are discovered within a server, please report to Discord.
  4. NSFW

    • Servers that primarily share explicit sexual content or any content intended to satisfy sexual desires must be set as age-restricted servers in the dashboard.